Novabench pc benchmark
Novabench pc benchmark

novabench pc benchmark

GPU -Novabench measures draw call performance on a scene rendered with a variety of shader techniques.

novabench pc benchmark

A set of more general tests are measuring a few different encryption and hash functions.

novabench pc benchmark

They’re referred to in Novabench as “integer” and “floating point” tests the former are using standard arithmetic instructions, the latter are implemented in SSE for broad compatibility. Two main tests are implemented in 圆4 assembly. With multi-core tests, the test runs under a few levels of shared memory coordination and localities. CPU – Novabench runs a few CPU tests, each with single core and multi-core variants.That said, we were quickly given a little more information about what is going on in the benchmark after being informed that we were the only person/site to ever ask for detailed testing information. The author was more than happy to help and explained to us over e-mail that Novabench was developed to be a benchmark tool for a broad audience, not necessarily people interested in the technical complexities of benchmark testing. We then reached out to the author of Novabench asking for more technical details on what exactly his CPU testing was doing. CPU General Purpose Test – This test allows Novabench to evaluate general CPU performance while controlling for memory performance and other variables.These include general-purpose instructions, the FPU, and other instruction set extensions.


  • CPU Targeted Tests – A series of multi-core tests that each target specific instruction pipelines of the CPU.
  • After digging around the Novabench website and found out a little more information from the documentation page. We gave Novabench a try, but we weren’t exactly sure what the Novabench CPU test was doing. You can then view performance charts and go online to compare your results to others and find out how your system stacks up. You are also given the scores within each subtest, so you end up with 13 data points from this one benchmark that takes roughly a minute to run. This is one of the quickest system benchmarks that we have ever run! We fired up the stopwatch app on our phone and found that running Novabench was taking about 70 seconds! After the benchmark completes you are given an overall Novabench score and also shown scores for each of the four sub system tests that it completes. It does this by running a total of six tests and is extremely fast. The first thing we noticed with Novabench is that this benchmark utility is it tests the CPU, GPU, RAM and your storage drive.


    Your computer’s Novabench Score is easy to compare online – letting you know if your computer isn’t running as well as it could be, or helping you make informed upgrade decisions. Novabench tests your computer’s performance in minutes. We’ve never ran this benchmark here on Legit Reviews, so we figured that we’d give it a shot. Novabench has been around since 2007 and is a free benchmark application that has been used by millions of people. Depending on the options available for downloading, separate versions may be available from NovaTech Network depending on the target system architecture.In our quest to find new CPU benchmarks we were told about Novabench by members of the #SiliconGang on Twitter.


    It's free to use, but some features within the application are limited as the program is classed as "Freemium".Ĭompatibility with this CPU speed testing software may vary, but will generally run fine under Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8 and Windows 7 on either a 32-bit or 64-bit setup.


    Download and installation of the software for the PC is free and 4.0.9 is the latest version of the software last time we checked the developer.


    NovaBench is provided under a freeware license on Windows from the benchmark software category with no restrictions on usage. RAM Speed: Tests RAM read and write speed.Integer Test: Tests CPU's integer arithmetic speed.Floating Point Test: Tests CPU's floating point arithmetic speed.Disk Write Speed: Test write speed of primary or selected storage device.3D Graphics Test: Tests GPU with a heavily shader dependent 3D scene.NovaBench can benchmark hard drive speed and benchmark CPU speed. NovaBench is handy program that will allow you to easily test many aspects of your computer's speed, such as CPU speed and Graphics Card speed.Īfter all tests are completed, an overall system score will be given to your computer. Test the speed of your computer with NovaBench. Benchmarks CPU, 3D graphics, memory and disk write speed

    Novabench pc benchmark